ExtraView IT - Logo Design, IT Consultancy, Website Design, Corporate Identity
Suffolk based company offering professional Logo Design, IT Consultancy, Website Design, Website Maintenance, Corporate Identity, PC Technical Support, Network Support, Illustration, Hardware Support, Microsoft Office Training, Software Development, e-commerce solutions, e-trading solutions
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EVIT - Josef Leimüller - Edtmühle
Wir bieten Ihnen ein breites Sortiment an Mehlen, Bioprodukten und Teigwaren. Unsere Mehle sind frei von jeglichen Zusatzstoffen!! Das zweite „Standbein“ unserer Firma ist die Produktion von hochwertigen Futtermitteln für Ziervögel, Papageien, Tauben, Hühner, Enten, Schweine, Pferde, Rinder, Wild, Nager, u.v.m…. Diese Futtermittel sind unter dem Namen „EVIT – Qualitätsfutter“ bekannt.
Leimueller.info ~
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EVIS Technology - Better Your Vision
Shanghai EVIS Technology Co., Ltd. is a professional company which provides industry-leading video technology and delivers innovative video IPs, semiconductor chips and solutions for advanced televisions, flat panel display, and other CEs.
EVIS has industry-leading video technology R&D capability in the LED backlight control, MEMC (Motion Estimation / Motion Compensation), super-resolution and 2D video signal transfer to 3D video signal etc.
The core member of our R&D team have doctor or master degree from well-known University and have many years of experience in the field of video technology and integrated circuit desig.
Evistek.com ~
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