9 Town Transit- Estuary Transit- CT Public Bus Transportation, Smart Commuting, Let Us Drive You To Your Next Appointment
Fares, schedules and information for 9 Town Transit, 9 Town Transit operates 4 local shuttle buses and 2 Dial-A-Ride buses. Our Shoreline & Riverside Shuttle buses operate 6 days a week, serving 9 towns in the Middlesex County Region. Dial-A-Ride service operates weekdays only. The Shoreline Shuttle makes connections with Dattco to New Haven. The Mid Shore Express connects with Middletown Area Transit to Hartford. The Niantic Shuttle connects with the Southeast Area Transit to New London. 9 Town Transit covers Old Saybrook, Essex, Chester, Deep River, Westbrook, Clinton, Killingworth, Madison, Lyme, Old Lyme, Middletown areas making connections wtih the Shore Line East rail services.
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