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Amazon Kindle ereader cases
Piel Frama is a company located in Spain (EU) specialized in making high quality leather cases for smartphones, cellular phones, PDA, notebooks, tablet Pc, UMPC, calculators, ereaders, Mp3 devices, cameras, cigars and industrial devices.
We made our first steps in manufacturing leather covers for mobile phones in 1984, but we have been manufacturing leather goods since 1975. Indeed, our company began selling them in the United States of America when nobody in Spain had heard about mobile phones. Nowadays, we have an important and big infrastructure to be able to design and manufacture any kind of leather cover that our customer requires.
More than twenty years of experience in developing and designing a high quality product, places us far ahead of our competition, and we are considered as a very prestigious company by the entire PDAs and phones industries, offering the finest quality products that exist in the market.
When the first manufacturer of mobile phones appeared in Spain, we already had the product that the market required and the experience to make us the most innovative in our sector.
All our products are handmade in the EU by our leather handcrafters, so each product is unique. We are making covers for mobile devices from 1986. Right now, we are also manufacturing products for Amazon Kindle, Amazon Kindle 2, Amazon Kindle DX.
These are available in several colours; black, tan, red, blue, green and also in crocodile and ostrich.
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