Getting Emotional
Why do users form relationships with some products over others? What makes people develop feelings for software (good and bad)? We'll show practical ways to make your application more appealing to your users avoid creating abusive relationships, and discuss what it means to practice responsible design.
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Emotional Wealth | Well-being, happy, contentment, negativity, positive, joy, success
Wealth book, health, happiness, personal growth, vitamins and herbs for emotional health, free ebook for emotional health, suplements for healthy mind, be in the moment,
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Removing Emotional Pain
To live life as an emotional pain processor is to be free of massive amounts of negative thoughts that lead to depression. To live life as an emotional pain processor is to live depression free and to do it without medication. To live life without constant negative thoughts and depression is to live life without the stress build up that creates the need for escape behaviors. To live life without negative thoughts, depression, stress and escape behaviors is to live a life in true freedom. A life free of hurting others, free of shame, guilt, fear, free from hollow resolves and one failure after another is priceless.
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Emotional Positioning
Emotional Positioning: Unsere Wahrnehmung wird sich in den nächsten Jahren so verändern, dass wir im Bruchteil von Sekunden das Gesamtbild von Menschen, Marken und Unternehmen sofort erkennen.
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