Great Torah website featuring the weekly Torah portion, Shabbat, Sheva Brachot, Bris Milah, and Bar Mitzvah divrei Torah as well as Talmud discussion, halacha and Shabbos teachings. Perfect for your erev Shabbos learning! Shalom
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Empty Bowls / Les bols du partage / Montréal 2009
Empty Bowls Montreal is a hunger-fighting fundraiser, bringing people together for a simple but nourishing meal of soup, bread and fruit. Les bols du partage, Montréal, événement destiné à recueillir des fonds pour combattre la faim, rassemble les gens de cœur pour un repas simple et nourrissant : soupe, pain et fruits.
Emptybowlsmontreal.org ~
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Welcome to Prayerful Creations
Hand woven clergy stoles along with hand woven scarves and crocheted baby afghans as well as calligraphed envelopes, scripture note cards, rosary cases and tissue cases all created in silent prayer and solitude by Prayerful Creations.
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Home Page
Emet Yahshua is a Messianic Nazarene (Natsarim) Hebrew roots fellowship. We are a Torah based, Sabbath keeping congregation that believes in the Two House Restoration of Israel and in keeping the Feasts of YHWH, kashrut and all the Commandments of Elohim.
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