Joanne L Gore CPA LLC provides CPA Services in the Houston, Houston, Sugar Land, Missouri City, Richmond, TX including small business accounting services, QuickBooks consulting, tax preparation, tax planning, tax efile, controllership outsourcing, payroll, budgeting for businesses, budgeting for individuals and eldercare
Joanne L Gore CPA LLC provides small business accounting services, QuickBooks consulting, tax preparation, planning and efile, controllership outsourcing, payroll, budgeting for businesses and individuals and eldercare in the Houston, Sugar Land, Missouri City and Richmond, TX area
Jgorecpa.com ~
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Our Aging Loved Ones: Planning for the Day We Hope Will Never Come
An in-depth look at eldercare, featuring over 14 hours of information, practical tips and advice from today's leading eldercare experts including Joy Loverde, Dr. Marion Somers, Carla MacGregor Sutter, Jacqueline Marcell, Carol Bradley Bursack, Molly Shomer, Barbara Friesner, Bob O'Toole, Mary B. Moorhead, Martin Sabel, Olga Brunner, and Dr. Anne Marie Evers
Ijustwanttohelp.com ~
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Terry Pytlarz TerraLight Photography - Erie, PA - Calming images of nature for Home, Hospitals, ElderCare, Law Firms, and anywhere else where reduced stress would be beneficial to visitors or residents. Nature Fine Art Images and Photography
Calming images of nature for your home, medical centers, law firms, and anywhere else you want reduced stress. Professional photography of nature images mostlly shot in Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, Florida, California. Images are of wildflowers, botanicals, trees, leaves, water, earth, flowers, and scenic panoramas.
Terrypytlarz.com ~
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