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...::: Atelier Real :::...
Atelier real inherits from the work of artistic experimentation initiated by RE.AL in the 1990s, with pioneer projects in the field of transdisciplinarity, such as the LAB/Projectos em Movimento [LAB/Projects in Movement] (1993-2006). It aims at consolidating as a space of work and artistic enjoyment where the programming is not constructed out of shows and conferences, but of artistic proposals considered both as sensible means of reflection on the contemporary society and as experimental objects of mediation between artists and audience. It aims at putting into perspective the richness of the questionings that in a transdisciplinary way cross contemporary creation at large, as well as at generating new ideas, confrontations, and dialogues between practices and thoughts, enabling the audience to experience other states of perception. In this way, it intends to privilege the presentation of devices of mediation of experiences rather than the presentation of pieces.
Atelier-real.org ~
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:: 100% Jovem ::
A Associação 100% Jovem foi fundada em 2007 e surgiu da necessidade de caracterizar o grupo de Jovens que fazem parte da organização do evento River Party. É constituída por cerca de 80 elementos que em regime de voluntariado participam nas variadas fases de todo o processo da organização. Em conjunto e coordenados pelos três mentores do projecto – José Neiva, Ivone Cruz, Paulo Vieira – traçam metas e concentram esforços para que no evento tudo corra na perfeição. Constituída de forma informal, a Associação 100% Jovem aguarda a melhor altura para se formalizar.
100porcentojovem.com ~
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