the tom fun orchestra
The Tom Fun Orchestra is an award-winning eight-piece cluster-rock ensemble from Cape Breton Island that has been impressing music fans and critics alike with their raucous stage presence and high-energy show. Their unconventional lineup of violin, banjo, accordion, and trumpet, hitched to a four-piece rock band, is redefining what people think of as Canada’s East Coast music.
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Links to Professional Standards
These are your professional Links. Many of your professional colleagues have come up with these suggested sites. Each link has been researched and determined to be the featured site for your Standards in the Professional field.
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Troqueles Eguzkiza
TROQUELES EGUZKIZA está dotada con un avanzado sistema CAD/CAM específico para la industria del embalaje y troqueles, así como de una extensa librería de estándares de ECMA y FEFCO. Dicho avance tecnológico, unido a la gran experiencia de nuestros profesionales, contribuye a solucionar cuantos problemas técnicos puedan surgir. Una producción que supera los 1.200 troqueles anuales para mas de 130 clientes, avala nuestro nivel de calidad.
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Head First Labs from O'Reilly Media, Inc. :: Head First JavaScript
Want to make the leap from writing HTML and CSS web pages and create dynamic web applications? Want to take your web skills to the next level? It sounds like you're ready to learn the Web's hottest programming language: JavaScript. Head First JavaScript is your ticket to going beyond copying and pasting the code from someone else's web site, and writing your own interactive web pages. Want to make the leap from writing HTML and CSS web pages and create dynamic web applications? Want to take your web skills to the next level? It sounds like you're ready to learn the Web's hottest programming language: JavaScript. Head First JavaScript is your ticket to going beyond copying and pasting the code from someone else's web site, and writing your own interactive web pages.
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