Histoire de France, châteaux forts, rois de France, guerres, batailles, généalogie, patrimoine
Guide de France, annuaire, histoire de France et patrimoine de France. généalogie, légendes, personnages, costumes, mots d'histoire, ancêtres. Les évenements historiques, chronologie rois de France et dynastie. Châteaux de la Loire.
Histoiredefrance.net ~
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The Qajar (Kadjar) Pages
The Qajar (Kadjar) Pages. This is a site about the history of the Qajar (Kadjar) Dynasty of Persia, 1795-1925. It contains articles on various aspects of Qajar History, from the Origins of the Qajars to the Present. The site details the Kadjar Imperial House, it also addresses Qajar Princely families and other genealogical and historical matters.
Qajarpages.org ~
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