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Do a YWAM DTS in Switzerland at Youth With A Mission - YWAM Lausanne
Come to where it all started! The beginnings of the first ever YWAM DTS started here in 1969 and has equipped 1,000s of young people to know God and make Him Known. Youth With A Missions Discipleship Training School (DTS) is a six month, hands-on Christian training program with a three month lecture phase followed by a three month missions outreach. Since 1969 YWAM Lausanne has multiplied much of YWAMs training, evangelism, and mercy ministries work around the world. Mercyships, GENESIS, YWAM Publishing, University of the Nations, YWAM Olympic Outreaches, and many other YWAM bases are just a few of the hundreds of YWAM and non YWAM ministries that were started from YWAM Lausanne. Come to where it all started and explore you passion!
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