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Pi Chapter of DPE
The Website of the Pi Chapter of Delta Phi Epsilon (DPE) at American University. This is the Website of both the Fraternity and the Sorority of Delta Phi Epsilon at American University. We welcome you to explore this Website which should offer you a good insight into what DPE does at American University, how you can join DPE and what DPE can do for you. Please feel free to contact the Brothers and Sisters of the Pi Chapter of Delta Phi Epsilon at American University through this Website as well as in person (on Campus as well as at other times).
Audpe.org ~
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DPE - Diagnostic Performance Energétique
Le DPE est le bilan incontournable pour apprécier la consommation en énergie d'une maison ou appartement. Obligatoire pour toute vente ou location, il est est aussi très utile avant toute rénovation afin de connaitre les principaux pôles d'économie, une bonne isolation et un bon chauffage diminueront en effet votre facture.
Diagnostic-performance-energie.fr ~
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