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The Green Town Project
What is happening in Chicago and other cities can happen in Waukegan. A comprehensive, cutting-edge urban gardening project, building upon pioneering programs like Chicago: Eat Local/Live Healthy (excerpts attached) can sow seeds of success throughout our city---producing locally-grown food; spinning off related businesses and jobs; dressing up vacant lots and major corridors; protecting and beautifying Waukegan River ravines; promoting environmental, agricultural and nutritional education; and pulling diverse residents together in mutual efforts to improve our city's appearance and quality of life. As Waukegan begins its redevelopment, it can become Ray Bradbury's 21st Century Green Town, with community vegetable gardens, flower gardens, rain gardens and their offshoots enhancing health, beauty and prosperity citywide.
Waukegan's government is committed to the renewal of our city, bringing vitality back to key areas like the lakefront, the downtown and the former Lakehurst Shopping Center site (Fountain Square). University of Illinois Extension offers the resources and expertise of a major university and many years of experience in urban gardening in Chicago and other communities. TOWN offers the energy and enthusiasm of its members and a long record of accomplishment for our city. We are committed to work as partners, along with others who share the vision, to re-green Waukegan, beginning with a network of urban gardens that will take root, bloom and spread throughout our community. Nothing could do more at this moment to invigorate Waukegan's spirit and knit our multi-ethnic residents together, from grade school students to grandparents.
Phase One of the Green Town Project will include initiatives such as:
The creation of a year-round community vegetable garden and market on Waukegan's south side to provide healthy home-grown produce in an area with limited access to grocery stores; to offer hands-on education to young people and other residents about the environment, agriculture and nutrition; and to jumpstart spin-off businesses and employment opportunities in local food processing, storage and distribution, composting, etc.
The creation of a colorful, attractive urban wildflower and wildlife prairie habitat in the Commonwealth Edison power line right-of-way on Waukegan's north side that stretches from the lakefront plant to the western border of our city, a project that would draw media attention and ecology-minded visitors as have similar power line restorations that Commonwealth Edison has permitted and encouraged in other communities.
Working with city departments, the Waukegan Park District, the Citizens' Advisory Group (CAG) and other organizations to protect and restore our magnificent Waukegan River ravine system, creating rain gardens and other vegetation buffers along ravine borders and slopes as called for by a CAG action plan designed to control erosion, filter out pollutants and help preserve this priceless asset for present and future generations.
Working with neighborhoods, schools and churches to beautify our city's vacant lots, especially those along highly-traveled corridors, with a variety of visually appealing vegetable and flower gardens, bonding people together in common tasks and putting prominent, often unsightly open spaces to productive use awaiting redevelopment.
Phase Two will continue these initiatives and seek to expand the Green Town Project into additional enterprises such as green roofs, hoop greenhouse farms, honey production, downtown and shopping mall beautification, lakefront bio-cleansing/thermal energy projects, a Waukegan botanical garden, Green Town music and culture fests and a Ray Bradbury Center dedicated to the exploration of emerging green technologies leading to the sustainable city of the future.
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