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MODLA Missouri Distance Learning Association
About The Missouri Distance Learning Association is a non-profit association formed to promote the development and application of distance learning to education and training. The MoDLA Mission: To be the premiere statewide organization in Missouri for promotion of the effective application of distance learning strategies to maximize access, equity, and quality of educational resources for teachers and learners of all ages. MoDLA Goals: The goals of the MoDLA will be consistent with the goals of the USDLA, which include: 1.Advocate: to advocate and promote the use of distance learning. 2.Information: to provide current information on distance learning. 3.Policy: to represent the distance learning community before government policy and regulatory bodies. 4.Association of Associations: to serve and support the state, consortium and individual organizations that belong to USDLA. 5.Recognition: to provide annual recognition and awards of outstanding achievements in distance learning. 6.Partnerships: to serve as a catalyst for the formation of Partnerships among education,business, health care and government. 7.Access and Equity: to promote equity and access to life long learning through distance learning.
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