Official Wolfgang Brammertz site: Blues & Rock Gitarrist / Produzent
Wolfgang Brammertz, Gitarrist, Sänger, Songwriter, Produzent, Guitarist, Gitarrist, Rock, Blues, Gospel ,Singern, Songwriter, Composer and Producer, Pop, Jazz, Folk, Irish Folk
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GetaLyric.com - the Lyrics that Count - Lyrics, Albums, Artists, DVD, Mp3, Concerts, Lyric, Video, Download
#1, getalyric.com, Mp3, Music, Download, Lyrics, Concerts, Tickets, Live, Video, DVD, Free, Dicography, Mpeg, Buy, Song, Band, Artist, Album, Tracks, Collection, Archive, Events, Search, CD
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Calvin Keys - Jazz Guitarist
Jazz guitarist, Calvin Keys, has recorded and/or performed withmany of the greats: Ray Charles, Ahmad Jamal, Carmen McCrea, Gloria Lynn, Donald Byrd, Bobby Hutcherson, Joe Henderson, M.C. Hammer and Luther Vandross, to name a few.
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eli official website
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