Diamantina: 302 results found.
Diamantina Casiano
Diamantina Casiano is an Austin model who is making her way up to the top in the video modeling world. Her introduction to the entertainment business was in high school when she was enrolled in acting
Diamantinacasiano.com ~
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Bienvenidos ¦ Welcome ¦ Fabrica de Dimantina, Venta de Diamantina, Empresas de Dimantina, Usos de la Diamantina
diamantina, fabrica de diamantina, fomi diamantado, empresa de diamantina, empresa exportadora de diamantina, venta de diamantina, la mejor diamantina, usos de la diamantina, glitter, glitter export company, glitter fatory, crafts, fomi, glitter sales, purpurina, escarcha,
Globalbussinesinternational.com ~
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Diamantina Droughtmaster Sale
The first Diamantina Droughtmaster Bull & Female Sale was held in 2004 at the Winton Saleyards. An innovative feature of the Sale is the commercial female sale where up to 1000 purebred Droughtmaster females are on offer each year. The Diamantina Sale has the honour of presenting the largest yarding of top quality Droughtmaster females for sale in Australia. A small number of Registered females have also been sold at previous sales with the possibility that they will return to the sale ring in the future. The Diamantina Sale has proven so successful at putting Winton on the map as a recognized selling centre that two other breeds now hold an annual sale there. Fortnightly Fat & Store Sales have resumed after a long absence. In 2009 the Winton Shire Council erected a covered area over the selling ring with plans for a permanent selling ring and further improvements to the yards on the drawing board.
Diamantinasale.com ~
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