Medical illustration, medical art: uniquely detailed digital landscapes and paintings, including medical illustrations for IFUs, journals, brochures, videos, presentations, web, tradeshow posters/banners, promotional items (i.e. DFI-designed commemorative coins), and more. Dan Futoran, Illustrator (DFI Graphics)
Medical illustrator/medical artist specializing in: (1) quality-rendered line art [Adobe Illustrator on Macintosh 27" iMac late 2009] for medical publications: (journals, books, video production [for medical sales and marketing presentations, and other non-medical video projects], web images [web content], as well as graphic design [with emphasis on: medical applications, medical implants, physician, nurse and patient IFUs, brochures, flyers, postcards, slides, web graphics, and (2) Continuous-tone color medical illustrations for myriad applications: (see Line Art (above). DFI also produces some promotional items [i.e., original design for a bronze commemorative medal/coin, with a month's advance notice])). Based in Lompoc, Santa Barbara County, California, with vendor connections on the California Central Coast
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