The Fifth Animal - Intelligence, Dedication, Success.
Software to record and trace stock portfolio transaction history by amounts, types, dates, symbols and exchanges, generate reports, add notes. Trace history and analyze your stock positions across various accounts by symbols, exchanges, holding periods, profit/loss made.
View how many times you added to the stock position or partially closed it.
Trace stock portfolio balance history, analyze progress by days, weeks, months, custom periods.
View set of positions on open/close/intermediate for each given day.
View transactions for each given day. Enter specific portfolio balance comments. Gain the bird view of your stock portfolio, historic activity and progress. Keep detailed notes on your stock portfolio activity for past and future. Categorize your notes by themes, keywords, dates. Search and sort your notes by types, dates, keywords. Display/Hide Tabs as you need them. Add multiple Tabs of the same kind.
Software is written in Java.
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Trace Route
RBL Check