La SARBACANE SARBACANA " le Kyudo du souffle " ZEN-DOJO
Parfaite symbiose entre la méditation et l'action, la pratique de la SARBACANE est ici élevée tout à la fois au niveau d'un Art, dun Qi gong. Objectif, intuition, décision, action sont liés en un seul souffle. SARBACANA est une technique de prise de décision par l'intelligence du souffle, lintelligence du ventre (hara), où lâcher prise et prise de décision deviennent un seul et même acte.
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Decision Sciences Institute
The Decision Sciences Institute is a multidisciplinary international association dedicated to advancing knowledge and improving instruction in all business and related disciplines. To pursue this mission, the Institute will facilitate the development and dissemination of knowledge in the diverse disciplines of the decision sciences through publication, conferences, and other services. Our vision is to be the premier professional organization of choice for business scholars. Specifically, the Institute seeks to define the scope of quantitative methods to functional and behavioral problems of administration and the degree of sophistication that should be achieved by graduates of collegiate schools of business administration. The Institute is located and receives extensive support from the J. Mack Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia.
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Decision Interface
The Right information at the Right time to the Right people in the Right format. Our team will work with you to address the challenges of IT Strategy Consulting, Integration Services, Business Solutions, ERP Selection and ERP Implementation.
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