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Home - FX Week e-FX Awards
Our 8th Annual e-FX Awards 2011 will be presented in New York on July 14 2011. Hosted by FX Week, these awards recognise industry excellence in electronic
foreign exchange from banks and vendors.
Winning an e-FX Award sets you apart from your competitors and is a tangible
demonstration to your customers that you have something special to offer them.
Winners will be announced in New York at our awards evening.
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Home - FX Week Europe
FX Week Europe will return in November 2011 to provide you with the latest
information on the global foreign exchange market. This one-day two-stream
congress will provide you with essential coverage of how new advances in FX are
changing the role of industry participants and help you to better understand the
implications of recent market developments, and ways to best take advantage of
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Gadovist - das all-purpose Kontrastmittel für die MR-Bildgebung mit der höchsten T1-Verkürzung und stabiler makrozyklischer Molekular-struktur für grösstmögliche Sicherheit bei der Anwendung von gadoliniumhaltigen Kontrastmitteln.
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