Microscopy Supplies And Consultants Ltd
Suppliers/supply of microscopes, microscope bulbs, cameras, compound microscope,inverted microscope, stereo microscope, Leica, Olympus, MOTIC, HUND, Meiji, Euromex, Nikon, magnifiers, slides, LED microscopes and LED fluorescence equipment, graticules,entomologists,fly identification, insect identification,mercury burners, led fluorescence, ccd cameras, led fluorescence
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Medical Billing | Medical Billing India
The Healthcare RCM industry in India is growing at a rapid pace and the recent Obama bill will only accelerate this. Our estimates show that there are currently over 12,000 professionals in India servicing Medical billing companies, physicians and hospitals and this number will cross 50,000 by 2016. Given the size of the industry a group of us serious and career minded professionals got together and set-up this forum.
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