Darfur: 1,329 results found.
Jewish Community Relations Council
The Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Dallas (JCRC) is to represent the Jewish community for the purpose of protecting and advancing its welfare, advance the role of the Jewish community in the general community, and to promote a better understanding of the important relationship between the United States and Israel.
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Voices of the World
I have collected audio interviews, music, photos and art as I travel the world working on ambulances in the Middle East(Palestine/Israel),Africa(Darfur Refugees), Haiti;Plus more from D.C.,New Orleans
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Public Policies for Africa
www.public-policies.org | Misiunea noastra este sa implicam cetatenii in furnizarea de solutii valoroase, fezabile si sustenabile la problemele de interes public. Bine ai venit pe site-ul solutiilor la problemele comunitatii din care faci parte. Daca te deranjeaza o problema de interes public si stii care ar fi rezolvarea, atunci te invitam sa iti promovezi solutia ta. Fa click pe judetul tau si exprima-ti punctul de vedere. Deocamdata incepem din Galati.
Public-policies.org ~
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