Dalits: 200 results found.
Dalit Netwerk Nederland (DNN)
Het Dalit Netwerk Nederland (DNN) zet zich in voor 260 miljoen mensen wereldwijd die gediscrimineerd worden vanwege hun werk en afkomst. De Dalits uit Zuid-Azi zijn het bekendste voorbeeld, maar deze schending van de mensenrechten treft ook de Buraku uit Japan, de Al-Akhdam uit Yemen en enkele groepen in Afrika.
Dalits.nl ~
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National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights
National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights is a forum committed to the elimination of discrimination based on caste. A democratic secular platform led by Dalit women and men activists, with support and solidarity from movements and organizations, academics, individuals, people?s organizations and institutions throughout the country who are committed to work to protect and promote human rights of Dalits focusing on women and children
Ncdhr.org.in ~
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Welcome to the Samata Foundation
Established in 2008, the SAMATA FOUNDATION (formerly introduce as a Nepal Center for Dalit study) is dedicated to the policy research and advocacy for the rights of marginalized peoples, particularly the Dalit community, for an inclusive democracy and for the end of discrimination in Nepali society and politics.
Samatafoundation.org ~
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Global Helps Network Home
Global Helps Network exists for the purpose of aiding, training, equipping and funding other non-profit organizations, civic organizations, schools, and churches in their global efforts to help the disadvantaged in developing countries.
Globalhelpsnetwork.org ~
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