Cyan: 5,318 results found.
Cyan Design Website
Our clients come to us looking for a way to reach their customers. They want brilliant ideas, beautifully packaged. Were a small agency, but our ideas are big. Our intelligent design solutions help strengthen brands and promote services. We design web and print communications. ~
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Cyan Technology - Company Information
Cyan Technology: Company Information - Cyan Holdings plc is listed on the AIM market in London and is based in Cambridge UK. The company has two main subsidiaries, Cyan Technology a fabless semi conductor business which designs and markets microcontrollers, and Cyan Asia Limited which is a sales office for marketing microcontrollers in the Far East in general and China in particular. ~
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MidWest SSTRC Inc.
MidWest SSTRC Inc. - The MidWest Severe Storm Tracking Response Center. Volunteers whose purpose is to assist in providing early detection of severe weather that may result in the loss of life or property. ~
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