Constructive Cultures - building foundations for success
Constructive Cultures enables organizations to achieve agile performance in the face of unceasing change. We help to create within your organization the results-oriented focus and effective collaboration skills needed to reach goals you never thought possible! Aided by our partners, The Pacific Institute®, The Leadership Circle® and Star Performance Group, we provide a unique capability for large-scale organizational change and constructive culture development. We have experience in a wide variety of industries including manufacturing, financial services, higher education and retail. Our customized approach builds dynamic team performance at all scales including work groups, departments, divisions and entire organizations.
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Bienvenidos a Bridging Cultures - Language Studio
Para que la comunicación sea efectiva se debe conocer cómo se expresa el hablante en su idioma, cómo interpretar sus gestos, cuándo hablar y cuándo callar. Es por ello que Bridging Cultures te acerca tanto al idioma como a la cultura del otro para que, aparte de conocer cómo se estructura la nueva lengua, aprendas a mirar el mundo con otros ojos.
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