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Central Texas Optometic Society
In affiliation with the Texas Optometric Association and the American Optometric Association, the CTOS is dedicated to promoting and advancing the profession of optometry and maintaining the highest standards of vision care for the public. We provide quality continuing professional education to our members and a forum for area optometrists to meet and interact.
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Pakarinka Sisari ____ Otavalo
Así como el Padre Sol ilumina las sagradas montañas de donde vierten fuentes de agua viva que nutren las flores de la vida en este nuevo amanecer; así mismo por encargo de nuestras abuelas y abuelos Yachaks, el Centro de Sabiduría Ancestral Pakarinka Sisari (Florecimiento del Nuevo Amanecer) ha percibido la necesidad de entregar las enseñanzas que durante milenios han recogido en los Andes-Amazónicos, desde la experiencia en el diario vivir, la observación y la investigación. Like the Father Sun (Inti) illuminates the sacred mountains from where alive water spills to nourish the flowers of life in this new dawn; also by order of our grandmothers and Yachak grandparents, the Pakarinka Sisari Ancestral Wisdom Center (Blossoming of the New Dawn) has perceived the necessity to give the lessons that during thousands of years have been gathered in the Andes and Amazon, from daily life experience, observation and the investigation
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