Csd: 2,307 results found.
CSD İşletim Sistemi Projesi
CSD, C ve Sistem Programcıları Derneği (CSD) tarafından geliştirilmekte olan 32 bit, çokişlemli (multiprocessing & multithreaded) preemptive, birden fazla işlemciyle çalışmayı destekleyen, grafik tabanlı bir işletim sistemi geliştirme projesidir.
Csistem.org ~
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Медицински център ТРАНСМЕД е частно здравно заведение за извънболнична специализирана помощ.Тук се извършват прегледи и консултации от специалисти, пълна лабораторна диагностика, коремна ехография на деца и възрастни, компютърна диагностика, профилактика и ефективно лечение.
Mctransmed.com ~
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CSDI - Competitiveness and Sustainable Development Institute
The Institute for Competitiveness and Sustainable Development is a private, non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to promoting competitiveness and sustainable development in order to achieve high living standards and poverty reduction, predominantly in developing and transition economies. Among the main items on ICSDfs agenda is the understanding of the tension between economic growth, social equity, and environmental sustainability, on a worldwide scale. ICSD is committed to performing and disseminating unbiased, inter-disciplinary research and practical solutions among the business community, policy makers, and the general public.
Csd-institute.org ~
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