[ CPCA - Conférence Permanente des Coordinations Associatives - La voix du mouvement associatif ]
Accompagnement des associations, Bénévolat, Dialogue Civil, Economie sociale, Emploi, Europe, Financement, Jeunesse et éducation populaire, Plaidoyer, Relations contractuelles, Sanitaire et social, Vie associative, la voix du mouvement associatif
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The Canadian Professional Counsellors Association (CPCA) is a Canadian non-profit Society registered in accordance with the National Corporate Registry of Canada. The Association is governed by a Board of Directors which is elected annually by the members of the Association., Application Procedures: Complete the following Application Form and mail it with the required documentation., The Canadian Professional Counsellors Association is dedicated to the recognition of competence and professionalism in counselling and psychotherapy., Canadian Professional Counsellors Association Conference 2010.
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CPCA - Pays de la Loire
INLEX is a French and European Industrial property law firm specializing in trademarks, industrial designs, domain names, as well as issues relating to unfair competition, infringement and the protection of concepts, trademark valuation and wines and spirits law.
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發揚並推展中華演藝文化,策劃並推動台灣本土、傳統民俗、原住民等文化多樣性之表演藝術。提升會員演藝專業技能,規劃長期教育訓練設立各項表演藝術、演員、歌唱等演藝人員專業培訓班以培育優秀演藝人才。整合資源,爭取會員演出機會並激發會員表演專才,提供會員間演藝資訊交流平台。保障會員權益,促進會員福利互助,加強照顧會員生活,關懷年老或無法演出的會員,維護會員人生尊嚴。凝聚會員力量,參與或舉辦各項公益慈善活動,回饋社會及扶助弱勢團體。規劃辦理各項演藝與文化藝術推廣活動、節日慶典表演活動等。積極開拓國外演藝市場,促進國際及兩岸四地演藝與文化交流。舉辦各類演藝業、民俗文化推廣之專題講座、展覽會、演唱會、舞台劇等。 辦理受政府或其他機關之委辦等相關活動。
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Surrey Counsellors | Michelle Gardner Counselling, (RPC) Member CPCA
As a Registered Professional Surrey Counsellor with the Canadian Professional Counsellors Association, Michelle can help you help yourself. Something on your mind, need advice, peace of mind, resolution. Michelle can help. Counselling specialities: * marriage and relationship * interpersonal and family * anxiety and depression * obsessive compulsive disorder * life skills * dating and relationship building skills * weight loss and management programs * women and hormonal imbalances * nutrition and wellness * Walk and Talk As a professional counsellor Michelle can help you reach your goals with guidance, direction, education and support. Most importantly Michelle will actively listen to you.
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