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Correctaddress: 15 results found. MerlinMerge SpeedPro®Merge Purge, Duplicate Detection, List Management, Data Cleansing Software Features
MerlinMerge® SpeedPro intelligently searches for and identifies duplicate records.  ~   Site Info   Whois   Trace Route   RBL Check  
Similar Sites: - - NameSearch - Searching & Matching Software for Enterprise Systems
Intelligent Search Technology - Searching and Matching Software. Name Search, our flagship product, provides intelligence to both online and batch search and matching applications. Find and match information based on personal and corporate names as well as powerful address searching and e-mail searching services. Correct Address is address verification, validation and correction Name search also powers ISTwatch - terrorist checking software to enable compliance with US patriots act.  ~   Site Info   Whois   Trace Route   RBL Check  
Similar Sites: - Intelligent Search Technology - Searching and Matching Software
Intelligent Search Technology - Searching and Matching Software. Name Search, our flagship product, provides intelligence to both online and batch search and matching applications. Find and match information based on personal and corporate names as well as powerful address searching and e-mail searching services. Correct Address is address verification, validation and correction Name search also powers ISTwatch - terrorist checking software to enable compliance with US patriots act. MerlinMerge is used for duplicate record identification and merge purge operations.  ~   Site Info   Whois   Trace Route   RBL Check Intelligent Search Technology,Ltd. - Identity Resolution and Data Quality Solutions- Matching, Address Cleansing, Profiling, Screening, Compliance
Search Software,Information Retrieval and Data Profiling - Identity Resolution Data Quality,Searching,Matching,Address Cleansing,name and address searching and matching software,merge/purge and deduplication software,address correction,data profiling software,patriot act ofac compliance software  ~   Site Info   Whois   Trace Route   RBL Check  
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