The Metropolitan Opera
The Metropolitan Opera is a vibrant home for the world's most creative and talented artists working in opera, including singers, conductors, composers, orchestra musicians, stage directors, designers, visual artists, choreographers, and dancers.
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The Ohlone Community Band (OCB) - Fremont, California - Home Page
The Ohlone Community Band (OCB) was founded in 1977 as part of the Ohlone College Department of Music. Over the years, the Community Band
grew under the baton of past conductors Phil Zahorsky, Rich Levin and Steve Barnhill. Beginning in Fall 2007 the Band is under the direction of Tony Clements.
The Band has a wonderful blend of youth and experience and is an outstanding example of the benefits of a music education. The band has a wide variety of literature
to challenge both the audience and the ensemble itself. The OCB is open to all musicians with Conductor approval.
Ohlonecommunityband.org ~
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