Conductors: 1,703 results found.
.::: پژوهشگاه مواد و انرژي :::.
Welcome to the Materials and Energy Research Center (MERC) website. Mission of MERC includes development of science and technology in advanced frontiers of materials and energy. MERC aims to provide a knowledge-based society capable of meeting national and international research needs in the fields of (a) ceramics, (b) semi-conductors, (c) energy, (d) nano- bio- and smart materials, (e) advanced metals and materials needed for development of renewable energy sources. The following tasks have thus been pursued in the past few years: Distinguish the research priorities in related fields; carrying out the needed national research projects aimed to technology transfer; training experts in related fields; offering scientific and technological services to industries, Performing workshops, seminars and professional short courses; dissemination of scientific and technological data by publishing journals, books and reports ~
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