Paper Cutters, Paper Cutting Equipment, Perfect Binders, Three Knife Trimmers, Guillotine Paper Trimmers | Colter & Peterson
We buy, sell, repair, and move new, rebuilt and used paper cutters and paper handling equipment. Brands we handle include Prism, Saber, Cauhe, Wohlenberg, Busch, Polar, Harris Seybold, Dexter Lawson, Schneider, Challenge, Baumann, Knorr and Perfecta.
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Colter's Run a Novel By Stephen T. Gough
Colter's Run is an historical fiction. It is accompanied, however, by a generous prologue (The Life and Times of John Colter) and epilogue covering the known life-facts of the man we honor with this book. This story is compelling, maybe the most compelling in all of early American Western history, based on known events, in the places where they happened, and with many of the historical (actual) characters who took part. Other characters are based on the authors concept of the people, the circumstances, the places and the times
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