Cold: 83,137 results found.
Cold Case 1866
Follow the Exeter Flying Post reporter, Florence Luscombe, as she investigates. Take part in the drama, live on the streets of Totnes, Devon, UK, on Saturday 9 April 2011, 2.00 - 5.00pm (see below for... ~
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Cold Coffee Stain
Every time we look back to our beginning we see how little control we had over our formation. Many bands have searches, auditions, phone calls, and try outs. We had a sign on the wall for a drummer and Nick showed up. We laugh looking at the ease of it all- everyone’s life path crossed in such a simple and smooth way. Once we realized this, we knew this was something far beyond us. Yes, we play the music on this CD and on the stage in front of you, but the music itself has its own life, its own breath- the music comes through us, not from us. We realized this, and embraced it knowing we have no one to impress, and no one to be better than. We are here to share the joy of the music, and we welcome you to smile with us. ~
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