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Northern Illinois Chapter, NECA Homepage
Northern Illinois Chapter,National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) is located in Rockford, Illinois and serves Electrical Contractors in the electrical construction industry. Affilitated with I.B.E.W. Local #364 and the Northern Illinois Electrical J.A.T.C. It's jurisdiction includes the Illinois counties of Winnebago, Stephenson, Boone, Ogle and Lee, DeKalb, Carroll, Jo Daviess and Whiteside. Visit the Chapter website at www.nilneca.org for additional information.
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A Novel by John H Burns
Drizzle is a story which develops around a young marine biologist and his assistant, who suddenly find themselves able to communicate with whales at the same time the International Whaling Commission, following a twenty year moratorium, re-opens the seas to harvesting whales.
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