Borgiové | The Borgias
Seriál Borgiové (The Borgias), má být dalším počinem Showtime po úspěšném seriálu Tudorovci. Jeremy Irons, držitel oskara, bude hrát v tomto epickém dramatu Rodriga Borgia, mazaného a manipulativního patriarchu rodu Borgia.
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First Unitarian Church
Welcome! The members of the First Unitarian Church of Oklahoma City welcome you to join us in an adventure of the spirit. Our non-creedal church requires no particular set of beliefs or practices. Rather, we covenant to support one another on our individual spiritual journeys. All are welcome, without regard to sexual orientation, gender identity, race, age, disabilities, or religious background. Join us for worship and meaningful work in transforming the world. It could change your life.
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