Cde: 5,382 results found.
Cornell Dubilier Electronics, Inc. - Your Source for Capacitor Solutions
Cornell Dubilier is the source for capacitors that transform your applications to success stories. It excels with aluminum electrolytic, mica, motor run, and AC and DC plastic film capacitors. Cornell Dubilier only makes capacitors and has been doing it for almost 100 years. The world leaders in welders, UPS systems, motors, drives, avionics, power and military electronic and medical lasers are prominently among its more than 35,000 customers. ~
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CDE nove tehnologije d.o.o.
CDE deluje na področju razvoja in integracije sodobnih informacijskih in telekomunikacijskih tehnologij. Lastni COCOS produkti in rešitve (VoIP in ISDN): klicni centri, kontaktni centri, CRM sistemi, CTI produkti, IVR, ACD, IPPBX, Help-Desk, Marketing Campaign Management, WebChat, Soft/PC-telefoni, telemarketing, CATI,… ~
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