Мастерская Гречихин и Сын
Авторская Мастерская Гречихин и Сын. Миниатюры из кости и дерева. Изготовление и проектирование иконостасов и церковной утвари. Позолота. Реставрация. Наш 30-летний опыт позволяет выполнять заказы любой сложности.
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Stone Carving Unlimited
We are a custom fabricator of hand carved NATURAL stone fireplace mantles, window and door surrounds, balustrades, columns, capitals, fountains, table bases, archways, flooring, counter tops, urns, exterior stone cladding, pedestal sinks, counter top sink bowls, as well as any custom design work which you might need. We have a wide selection of items available; however our specialty is fabricating items to your design specifications.
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