Carrion: 486 results found.
Juan Manuel Carrion - Juan Manuel Carrión
Este es el sitio web oficial de Juan Manuel Carrion. En el podra� encontrar informacion acerca de su ultima obra pictorica, al igual que sus logros y avances en el ambito ornitologico y de biologia. Es tambien el sitio oficial de Tamboquinde, una parcela de 50 hectareas de montana ~
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COOPERATIVE CROWS - Carrion crows - Corvus corone corone
Carrion crows (Corvus corone corone) are unbelievable birds! They can form complex societies, where relatives live together and cooperate in rising the chicks and defending the territory. Such intense social life is correlated with surprising cognitive capacities that rival those of many primates. Exploring the word of crows is an endless adventure. ~
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