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Captain Ice - Entrée
Captain'Ice: Situe en plein coeur de la cite corsaire de Saint Malo, le glacier et salon de the Captain Ice vous invite dans uneambiance chaleureuse a venir deguster une de ses gourmandes cimpositions glacees ou simplement a vous détendrre autour d'une boisson chaude ou d'une patisserie maison. ~
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Captain Tools - Home
Welcome to Captain ToolsCAPTAIN TOOLS is a 25 year old wholesale and retail outlet for a variety of industrial tools. Satisfaction of our customer is our motto and we strive through all odds to give our customer the best of the service we can.We are dealer ~
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Captain Jack
Captain Jack is a professional group that pays tribute to a variety of timeless music. The New York-based group consistently works the club circuit, weddings, corporate events, public performances, private affairs, Bar/Bat-Mitzvahs, christenings, and other venues. ~
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