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Annual Conference on Green IT - Annual Conference on Green IT
Green is the hot topic these days, and the concept is having an impact on the way people think about business and in particular IT. Adopting a holistic approach to greening IT is our responsibility toward creating a more sustaining environment. Companies around the world are announcing ways to save energy and reduce costs during these times of economic meltdown. They are using Environmental Strategy to innovate, create value, and build competitive advantage. Performance optimization and cost reduction are a part of everyday best practices in nearly every area of business. And now the time has come to treat energy costs in the same way. Energy consumption can be difficult to measure as most companies roll up energy costs as a whole rather than breaking down power consumption among specific units. Standardization throughout the organization is one that changes the paradigm by which energy is measured and it involves participation by business units throughout the organization. Such organizational standardizations are the top priority to putting an energy savings program in place. Knowing is half the battle but efforts needs to be put into setting up an Energy Monitoring Systems which would help us to control the energy consumption. ~
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AAAS - a brief introduction
E-Genie is a Practice Management Software deigned to assist healthcare providers and facilities across Ontario integrate their systems with HCAI. E-Genie facilitates the creation and submission of invoices and/or other claims forms (including 18, 21, 22 and 23). ~
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