Bozzato: 21 results found.
| created in 2006 by Benoit Vermander after the magazine Renlai monthly also published by the Taipei Ricci Institute.
The site is a pan-asian magazine of cultural, social and spiritual concerns which centers on the interaction between the youth of Asia and of the rest of the world, with special focus on the link between cultural diversity, sustainable development and spiritual empowerment, encouraging change by reporting on replicable success stories at the local level. Therefore, eRenlai is also a network of readers and project builders. It aims to gather a new generation of independent info-mediators, contributing to build a pan-asian community. The site offers videos, documentaries, animations, articles and networking tools, available in English, traditional and simplified Chinese.
e人籟雜誌是《人籟論辨月刊》的延伸網站,《人籟論辨月刊》的班底為出版《利氏漢法辭典》的利氏學社。e人籟雜誌是一個多媒體平台,提煉《人籟論辨月刊》的內容與菁華,並加入照片、影音與flash動畫等各種媒介。e人籟網站的精神在於為全世界華人提供前瞻性、跨文化思想交流的平台,以台灣、中國與亞洲的各項議題為主,透過思想的激盪形塑人類共同的未來。e-人籟在各地創立所屬團體,以培育參與者的團體感。e人籟的企圖心,在於開創思考與行動之間有機的連結。對於當前社會與文化的重要議題,e人籟提供豐富的思想食糧,並分享行動面的報導與故事。e人籟希望與您共同建立新的行動聯盟,為實現亞洲更具有人道的永續發展而努力。 ~
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Bozzato Tourist Services - Deposito Roulotte
caravanbozzato bozzato deposito services tourist roulotte contatti partner meteo servizi laboratorio home dove azienda siamo rimessaggio apertura orari verande aprile dal assodepositi cavallino tel fax treporti smontaggio montaggio roulottes alice caravan sas iva cellulare aruba baracca misura riparazione produzione tendalini ~
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