Imatges a roba - La botiga online d'impressió sobre roba. Samarretes, pitets, devantals, mocadors, fulards, toballons, gorres, bosses...
La botiga online d'impressió sobre roba. Samarretes, pitets, devantals, mocadors, fulards, toballons, gorres, bosses...
Imatgesaroba.com ~
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High Energy Metals, Inc.
High Energy Metals, Inc. (HEMI) specializes in explosive welding which uses the forces of controlled detonations to accelerate one metal plate into another creating an atomic bond. This metalworking technique is used to join dissimilar metals into a high-quality joint which has high mechanical strength, is ultra-high vacuum tight, and can withstand drastic thermal excursions. Explosive welding can introduce thin, diffusion inhibiting interlayers such as tantalum and titanium, which allow conventional weld-up installation. Also, explosive welding is considered a cold welding process, which allows metals to be joined without losing their pre-bonded properties.
Highenergymetals.com ~
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Som una empresa dedicada a la comercialitzaci de productes de plstic, paper, bosses, envasos i productes per la neteja, tant per botigues d'alimentaci, xarcuteries, carnisseries, forns i pastisseries, com d'altres botigues corresponents a d'altres sectors com sabateries, roba i confeccci, floristeries.... Les nostres bosses i papers tant poden ser genriques com personalitzades
Poligrup2000.com ~
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