Bonde: 516 results found.
Jesper Bonde
Jesper Bonde is working on projects within the fields of technology, architecture, culture, and music with a focus on the areas where they overlap or an interrelation occurs that results in a new approach to the subject. Still, with a Master of Arts in Architecture degree the majority of the projects have a point of departure in the field of architecture and deals with other art forms’ influence on space. ~
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Sister Bonde
Sister Bonde �rgang 56, gift med Jens p� 24'ende �r, har udflytterb�rnene Stefan p� 24 og Malene p� 20. Bor i et vidunderligt omr�de i Danmark, med udsigt over B�gestr�mmen, s� l�nge det varer .... ~
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