La grande quincaillerie des environs de Bordeaux, pour les professionnels et particuliers, où rigueur et conseil vous accueillent.
La grande quincaillerie des environs de Bordeaux, pour les professionnels et particuliers. Vous y trouverez toute la quincaillerie batiment, ameublement, tout pour la visserie-assemblage, la fourniture industrielle, agricole et B.T.P., tout pour l'equipement du foyer, les produits de base, le sanitaire, l'electricite et l'outillage.
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Bodin Auto - Garage dans le Pays de Gex (Ain, Rhone Alpes) Voitures d'occasion, voitures neuves, réparation de véhicules - France fontalière (proche de Genève et du Canton de Vaud, Suisse)
Garage dans le Pays de Gex (Ain, Rhone Alpes) Voitures d'occasion, véhicules de seconde main, auto d'occasion, voitures neuves, réparation de véhicules, vidange, amortisseur, entretien - France fontalière (proche de Genève et du Canton de Vaud, Suisse)
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Kathleen Miller Gallery - Home
Oil painter Kathleen Miller is a primarily self-taught artist who currently resides in Rockport, MA. Growing up on Cape Ann, she was greatly influenced by the artists of Rocky Neck and Bearskin Neck. Since childhood, she has had an interest in drawing, painting, and other forms of art, and has developed these interests over the years. Her work is greatly influenced by both past and present artists of Cape Ann. In addition to studying art independently, Kathleen has recently begun working with several local painters including Ron Straka, Susie Field, Paul George, Susan Guest-McPhail, Don Stone and Caleb Stone. Working primarily in oils, Kathleen paints a variety of subjects, focusing mainly on landscapes, seascapes and other scenes inspired by nature. She enjoys painting on location as well as in the studio.
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