Hanisa Medical Supplies. Instruments - surgery, medical, instruments, scissors, forceps, needleholders, scalpels, manufacturer, tuttlingen, retractors, probes, cannullae, trocars, biopsy, online, shop, schreiber, si-line
Since 1920, surgical instruments have been manufactured in the third generation.
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Lake End Surgery
At Lake End Surgery, we appreciate the trust you have placed in us. Our goal is to provide the highest quality patient care in a high-technology practice. Using proven state-of-the-art technology to enhance your experience, we maintain the most advanced procedures and equipment available.Our office is designed to create a warm, comfortable environment to help patients feel at home and relaxed.
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PriMed Intsruments Inc.
PriMed Instruments is a manufacturer of endoscopy accessories including flexible biopsy forceps and channel cleaning brushes. We also specialize in laser welding and micro-assembly of small and miniature components and sell biopsy forceps parts.
Primedinstruments.com ~
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