Advanced Cell Diagnostics: Home - www.acdbio.com
ACD’s RNAscope® is the first multiplex in situ hybridization platform for single RNA molecule detection, with applications in biomarker validation, companion diagnostics and molecular pathology. It addresses the issue of patient and disease heterogeneity and is a powerful tool for single cell analysis. RNAscope® unlocks the full potential of RNA biomarkers, thus shortening the path to personalized medicine. ACD develops its own cancer diagnostic products and also establishes partnerships with pharma and biotech for targeted therapeutic development.
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Concord PharmaTech
Concord PharmaTech Nanjing China DMPK outsourcing GLP bioanalytical toxicokinetics vivo pharmacokinetics vitro P450 screening PK/PD toxicology study formulation support biomarker discovery and confirmation
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Proteome Factory - Proteomik, Proteinanalytik und Validierung
Auftragsforschung und Auftragsanalytik: Proteomik, Proteomics, Proteomanalyse, Proteinanalytik, Proteinidentifizierung, Protein- und Peptid-Charakterisierung, Protein Identifizierung, Proteinsequenzierung, absolute Proteinquantifizierung, MeCAT, MS kompatibele Silberfärbung, Massenspektrometrie, Identifikation, Sequenzierung, SRM, Validierung, Westernblot, Antikörper, Proteome Factory AG,
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