Montana Agriculture Providing Nutrition & Health from the Top of America
GNG is a group of Montana professional producers working together to provide natural healthy nutritional agricultural produce which is high in protein, beta glucan, omega-3, Tocopherols, glycosinolates, wheat free, gluten free, antioxidants, vitamin E, PUFA, Polyunsaturated fatty acids, linolenic acid, ALA, n-3. Diseases effected, celiac, sprue, glucose intolerant, diabetics, diabetes, Cancer, CVD, cardiovascular disease, ADD, ADHD, Attention Deficit Disorder, wheat free oatmeal, oat flour, oatmeal cookie, Camelina omega-3 vegetable oil, OmegaMeal, Camelina meal, BioDiesel, OmegaOil, OmegaBar, protein, beta glucan, Gold of Pleasure, Leindotter, false flax. Best agronomic practices combined with extreme care to clean planting, harvesting, transporting and storage equipment as well as hours in the field hand rouging and field inspected to insure a safe wheat free, Elisa tested oat product.
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