The Betsey Mills offers warm water pool exercise, swimming lessons, gymnasium, preschool, daycare, and facility rental to members and the general public.
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Betsey Hurd Paintings of Horses, Cattle, Wildlife and Pets
All my life, I've been a horsey girl and have gotten to do just about everything on horseback, from foxhunting in Virginia to trailing cows in the Missouri Breaks, showing jumpers to starting colts. As a painter and sculptor my strength comes from depicting what I know; horses and cows, sheep, dogs — all the four-leggeds that I live with, and observe, daily. Cows and sheep both lend themselves to abstraction, because they have an endearing blockiness, and because they're cud chewers, and they lie around a lot. A horse is a lot of weight and power on perilously thin legs, balanced and beautiful, stalwart and frisky. It's hard to better an honest horse.
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NEaRTOPiC.com - Huge Selection of Name Brand Shoes
shoes, shoes for men, shoes for women, good shoes, environmentally friendly footwear, environmentally friendly shoes, mens shoes, womens shoes, footwear, designer shoe sale, shoes shipped free, shoes sale
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