Believable: 673 results found.
Official Website of Roy Lamont
All memorable commercials have one thing in common, they get you to listen. Achieving this is what Roy Lamont does so well. He understands the art and the business of writing and voicing commercials. Roy has won numerous gold Addy awards for both his outstanding writing and for his warm, believable and memorable commercials. Visit Roy Lamont's website and find out for yourself. You'll be glad you did. ~
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Horton's Turkey Calls
How much do you like turkey hunting? Just how much do you want to bag that trophy gobbler? Do you have a first-rate turkey call? Sure, there's a wide variety of calls out there but very few are made with the care and attention to detail for which Horton Turkey Calls are known. Hello, my name is Eddie Horton and on this site you'll find my turkey calls. Each call is hand made using a variety of woods from local forests to produce a quality, realistic, and believable sound. ~
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Linda Bergeron Artist Portfolio
My acrylic mixed media canvas paintings are visual translations of my inner thoughts, emotions, memories, and experiences. I believe in taking risks with intense color, textural fibers and reflective materials. Not knowing the outcome, I rely on a fertile faith, and listen for an inner voice to determine direction and finality.
I’m passionate about color and movement, and it’s vivid interplay with personal sentiments. The emotional impact of color and the unpredictable nature of life’s journey provide me with abundant subject matter to paint.
Just because we see something, does that mean it’s believable and unwavering? I love to investigate this question on canvas by revealing muvvltiple perspectives of thoughts and feelings using the influence of environmental elements in nature. Hand dyed fibers, broken glass, and other recycled mixed media embellish most of my compositions to enhance the textural appeal.
Linda C. Bergeron 2009 ~
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