Institut za javno zdravlje Vojvodine, pruža preventivne zdravstvene usluge građanima, promoviše zdravlje stanovništva, obrazuje studente u oblasti preventivnih grana medicine i postiže zavidne naučne rezultate čime se svrstava u red priznatih zdravstvenih ustanova i van granica naše zemlje.
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L’intercentre CFE-CGC de l’économie sociale est une association loi 1901 dont la vocation est la suivante : être un apporteur de lien entre l’économie sociale et l’action syndicale.
Ce site a pour vocation de partager les bonnes pratiques, compatibles avec les valeurs de l’économie sociale, en matière de gouvernance, de management et de syndicalisme.
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Oil Painting Original Oil Paintings - Oil Painting Gallery - Fine Art Oil Painting - Art Gallery - Art Gallery Paintings
Stewart Gallery, an online fine art gallery is specialized variety of oil painting, oil paintings art, fine art oil painting, reproduction oil paintings, contemporary oil paintings, original oil paintings, oil painting artists, oil paintings still life, animal oil paintings, modern oil paintings, maine oil paintings, oil landscape paintings, landscapes paintings, original art paintings, modern art painting, fine art paintings. Best fine art gallery and painting art gallery in Sussex, England provides variety of oil painting artists.
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