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PF-etancheite --- etancheite - isolation
P.F. etancheite, une reponse a tous les problemes d'humidite, d'infiltration, de ruissellement. Etancheite et isolation des toitures, terrasses et ouvrages enterres. Transformation du toit plat d'une habitation en espace a vivre, terrasse ou jardin. Isolation thermique ou phonique. ~
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Quebec City Virtual Chinatown
Quebec City Virtual Chinatown is a project that aim to develop a virtual Chinatown to compensate for the absence of a traditional Chinatown in Quebec City. A virtual Chinatown out of time where the actual is side by side with the past and the future. A place to see what is left by the last century Chinese community and the realties of the 21st century with a vision of the future. ~
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F2C-conseil, Analyses, Acquisitions, Cessions, Transmissions d'entreprises
Conseil en reprise d'entreprises, spécialiste en cession de société, transmission d'entreprises, fusions, acquisitions, reprise et vente de pme, rachat de société ~
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